National Council for Teacher Education

   (A Statutory Body of the Government of India)




G-7, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-75
Compliance with Provisions of suo motu Disclosure

Sl. No.

Items / Subjects



The particulars of its organization, functions and duties 

The National Council for Teacher Education has been established with a view to achieving planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system throughout the country, the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the teacher education system and for matters connected therewith. The details are available in the NCTE Act, 1993. (  


The powers and duties of its officers and employees

The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Member Secretary of NCTE hold office on a full-time basis with supporting staff such as Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary, Section officer etc. who function under defined terms and conditions of service as mentioned in the NCTE Recruitment Rules.  Besides, there are four Regional Committee for considering the application of TEIs for granting recognition under their respective jurisdiction.

  • RCs of NCTE: - 
  • NRC





    The procedure followed in the decision- making process, including channels of supervision and accountability. 

    The granting and withdrawal of recognition to teacher education courses is within the domain of Regional Committees. All other functions, including Academic, Human Resources etc. are performed by NCTE HQ. 


    The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions. 

    NCTE Regulations, 2014 are available in public domain which prescribe Norms and Standards for discharge of functions of NCTE in context of granting recognition. (  


    The rules, regulations instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions. 

    The NCTE Act, 1993 and NCTE Regulations, २०१४ (as amended time to time) consist of all Rules & Regulations stipulated by NCTE for discharging its functions.



    A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control. 

    1. NCTE HQ - documents of all personnel matter, budgetary issues, deliberation of General Body etc. 

    2. NCTE Regional Committees- all documents pertaining to granting or withdrawing recognition of TEIs 


    The particulars of any arrangement that exist for consultation with, or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

    There is a General Body comprised of experts in the field of education. It also comprises of representatives from some States and UTs as well as bodies like UGC, NCERT, CBSE, etc. The GB is the apex decision making body and all major policy decision are taken after due deliberation. 


    A statement of the Boards council committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public. 

    The minutes of the meeting of General Body of NCTE and four Regional Committees are available in public domain as under: - 

    1. NCTE (
    2. GB of NCTE (  
    3. RCs of NCTE: - 






    A directory of its officers and employees. 

    The directory of NCTE officers and its employees is available at (  


    The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees (Jan2021),  (a)HQ & SRC, WRC, NRC and   ERC including the system of compensation as provided in its Regulation.

    As per Central Govt. Rules. 




    The budget allocated to each of its agency, indication the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made. 

    NCTE is entirely self funded. 


    The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes. 



    Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorization granted by it. 



    Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form. 

    NCTE functions entirely with e-office of NIC.



    The particulars of facilities, available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use. 

    a) Certificate regarding recognition status of an institution provided free of cost through OTPRMS. 

    b) List of recognized teacher education institutions (State-wise and Course-wise) available on website of respective Regional Committee of NCTE. 


    The names of designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers. 

    At present every Division at NCTE Head Quarters, New Delhi has individual Public Information Officer (PIO) and there are four Public Information Officer (PIO) one each for four Regional Offices to dispose off RTI applications at their own level. Detail as given below: 



    At present every Division at NCTE Head Quarters, New Delhi has individual Public Information Officer (PIO) and there are four Public Information Officer (PIO) one each for four Regional Offices to dispose off RTI applications at their own level. Detail as given below: 


    (1) Sh. Mukesh Kumar, Under Secretary (First Appellate Authority) 

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.---

    (2) Sh. Ravindra Singh, US, CPIO (RTI Division)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.---

    (3) Sh. Siddharth, SO, PIO (Academic Division) 

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155  / Ext.No.---

    (4) Sh. R. C. Chopra, SO, PIO (Accounts Division) 

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.----

    (5) Ms. Jojiana Lakra, SO, PIO (Administration-I Division)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- --

    (6) Sh. R. C. Chopra, SO, PIO (Administration-II Division)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.----

    (7) Sh. Anil Kumar, SO, PIO (Appeal Division)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- ---

    (8) Sh. Rajesh Borkar, PS, PIO(Coordination Division)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155

    (9) Sh. N. K. Sahoo, PS, PIO (Complaints)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155

    (10) Sh. Anil Kumar, SO, PIO (IT & e-Governance)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.----

    (11) Sh. Pawan Kumar Bairagi, SO, PIO (Inspections Division)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.----

    (12) Smt. Harsh Chandi, PS, PIO (Legal Division) 

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.---

    (13) Sh. Priyank Jain, SO, PIO (Regulations Division)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- ---

    (14) Ms. Jojiana Lakra, SO, PIO (Vigilance Division) 

    (Phone No.)011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- ---

    (15) Smt. Harsh Chandi, PS, PIO (Rajbhasha Division) 

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- ---

    (16) Sh. Pawan Kumar Bairagi, SO, PIO (VIP Division) 

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- ---

    (17) Sh. Priyank Jain, SO, PIO (NRC)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- --

    (18) Sh. Pawan Kumar Bairagi, SO, PIO (ERC)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- --

    (19) Ms. Mamta Kukreti, SO, PIO (WRC)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- ---

    (20) Smt. Harsh Chandi, PS, PIO (SRC)

    (Phone No.) 011-20893267, 20892155 / Ext.No.- ---


    Such other information as may be prescribed and thereafter update these publications every year.

    Information related to procurements (a) Notice/tender enquiries, and corrigenda if any thereon, (b) Details of the bids awarded comprising the names of the suppliers of goods/services being procured, (c) The works contracts concluded – in any such combination of the above-and, (d) The rate/rates and the total amount at which such procurement or works contract is to be executed. 

    All Purchases / Procurements / Tenders are made through GeM Portal.
    CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the table of both Houses of the Parliament. Audited Accounts have been sent to the Ministry of Education for laying down before the Parliament. The report yet to be received from the Ministry of Education regarding its laying before the House.