National Council for Teacher Education

   (A Statutory Body of the Government of India)

Accounts Division


The Accounts Division at Headquarter is entrusted with the work of preparation of Annual Budget and preparation of Annual Accounts of the Council for every financial year as laid down in the Chapter VI of the NCTE Act, 1993.


The Division is maintaining all such books of account which are required to prepare the Annual Accounts. The accounts of the Council are audited by the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India for forwarding annually to the Central Government to be laid on the tables of both Houses of Parliament.


Rules are followed as issued by Govt. of India and instructions/orders issued from time to time by Govt. of India/Council

Information to Public

Budget and Annual Accounts of the Council

Leadership Team

Sh. Raushan Kumar

Deputy Secretary

Sh. Siddharth

Section officer