National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST)

Public statement of what constitutes teacher quality
NPST Journery

Ut enim ad minim veniam

July, 2020

NEP, 2020 in Para 5.20 recommended that a common guiding set of National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) will be developed by 2022. NPST ensures that all students at different levels/stages of school education are taught by passionate, motivated, highly qualified, professionally trained, and well-equipped teachers. It aims to determine all aspects of teacher career management including tenure, professional development efforts, salary increases, promotions, and other recognitions. It is a statement of quality and defines competencies of teachers at different stages/levels.

NPST Journery

Duis aute irure dolor

March, 2021

National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) was announced in the Budget 2021 as a mandate of Ministry of Education (MoE) and to carry out this task, MoE has further assigned this responsibility to National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).

NPST Journery

Sed ut nihil unde omnis

Apr - May, 2021

After due consultation with the MoE, an expert committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. C. K. Saluja (Rtd.), Central Institute of Education (CIE), University of Delhi was constituted to formulate the NPST document based on inputs and suggestions received from various stakeholders on the various aspects of NPST. Primary research was exercised through digital consultation, vide My NEP 2020 portal in April 2021, to invite suggestions/ inputs through a bottom-up approach for overall coherence in preparing the document. Accordingly, 2559 comments/suggestions were received. Further, secondary research was conducted to invite specific comments/inputs with the help of questionnaire circulated among the selected target audience representing different domains wherein approximately150 inputs were received.

NPST Journery

Quis autem vel eum voluptate

Nov, 2021

A report on comparative study of NPST documents of three countries (UK- England, Australia, UAE) and UNESCO Global Standards was prepared to benchmark the best practices internationally. Through several discussions and revisions done by the expert committee, a preliminary draft on NPST was developed and released for public review on NCTE website and on MyGov portal on 17th November 2021.

NPST Journery

Mussum ipsum cacilds

Dec, 2021 - Mar, 2022

15 Open House Discussions with academicians, educational administrators, teacher educators, HoDs, SCERTs, DIETs, Principals, Teachers (Public/Private), NGOs, other Stakeholders were conducted across the country to gather the inputs/ideas on preliminary draft of NPST.

NPST Journery

Quis autem vel eum voluptate

Dec, 2022

A Working Group was set up to undertake the pilot/Field Trial version of the NPST framework. The Pilot was implemented on a technology platform developed in close consultation with Azim Premji University. Pilot was conducted in 75 schools – 25 each from CBSE, NVS and JNV. A total of 1181 teachers registered for the pilot. A few dropped out due to various reasons (e.g. maternity leave, posting to another school), and the final sample comprised 1155 teachers.

NPST Journery

Key Activities of Pilot Study

Aug, 2022 to Feb, 2023

Timelines Activity
8 Aug 2022 Orientation of Principals and school-level Coordinators
9-30 Aug 2022 Registration of teachers through Google Forms (Registration Form in Annexure 5)
30 Sept 2022 Ongoing communication with school-level Coordinators through a WhatsApp Group
27-28 Oct 2022 Preliminary Survey for NPST Pilot Study (Survey placed as Annexure 3)
28 Oct 2022 Tool 1 released with intimation to teachers through email and SMS; both mobile and web browser options available along with a detailed Helpfile for both options to support teachers (Helpfiles for Tools 1-3 are available in Annexure 6).
18 Nov 2022 Meeting of Working Group members and Coordinators held to discuss any issues/challenges being faced by teachers
18 Nov 2022 Tool 2 released*
15 Dec 2022 Tool 3 released*
13 Feb 2023 Tools closed*
22 Feb 2023 FGDs with teachers and Coordinators
NPST Journery

Mussum ipsum cacilds

Jun, 2023

Report of Pilot /Field Trial version of NPST released.

NPST Journery

Mussum ipsum cacilds

Sep, 2023

MoU signed between National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation on 27th September 2023.

NPST Journery

Quis autem vel eum voluptate

Feb, 2024

2-Day long regional consultative meet, evaluation of the programme & year end seminar for sharing best practices/taking feedback from stakeholders on was conducted by National Council for Teacher Education at Hotel Welcom, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075.

NPST Journery

Mussum ipsum cacilds

Mar, 2024

National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) Guiding Document was launched by Hon'ble Education Minister and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Government of India.

NPST Journery

Quis autem vel eum voluptate

Mar, 2024

MoU signed between National Council for Teacher Education and Sri Aurobindo Society on 21 Mar, 2024

NPST Journery

Mussum ipsum cacilds

10th -14th June 2024

Orientation session of PM SHRI School Teachers regarding National Professional standards for Teachers (NPST) organized by NCTE on behest of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.

NPST Journery

Quis autem vel eum voluptate

29th June 2024

One-Day National Sensitization Workshop on NPST organized by NCTE in collaboration with Gautam Buddha University, Grater Noida.